Tracking Learning Data using The Experience API and LRS
Kenneth Wyrick
Brief Description
Explore and use GitHub to set it up the Learning Locker
Short Abstract
xAPI changes the way we think about the enterprise learning ecosystem. Learning happens everywhere, not just in the LMS and often that learning is self directed. LRSs and LMSs are very differnent products. Learn how the LRS Receives, stores and returns data about learning experiences, achievements and job performance. Will walk through one+ teacher use case(s) Browse a list of activities w/ definition related to the above use case(s)Introduce and demo the Learninglocker Learning Record Store (LRS)
Long Abstract
"My long time work with LMS & ERP systems gets integrated into this presentation which will introduce and provide an entry level overview and plan for incorporating the new XAPI & LRS as OSSIE, Using GitHub.
The Enterprise Learning Ecosystem provides 3 relational configuration models.
Let's go through each system and understand a bit about how they are the same and also different.
The XAPI is the main component: Â
The Learning locker is a LRS:
The ADL initiated the XAPI and much more:ÂÂ
The Enterprise Learning Ecosystem
XAPIchanges the way we think about the enterprise learning ecosystem. It’s been designed with a completely different mindset than previous learning specifications. Learning happens everywhere, not just the LMS and often that learning is self directed by the learner. This requires a change in how our learning systems are organized so we can track and integrate these dispa..."